893 viewsNorthstar
Santee crashed in December 2009 after a low altitude snap / spin into the ground at full throttle892 views
This is my Dalton 42% Extra 260. 123 inch wingspan with DA 170 gas engine (2 cylinder). Flown extensively in 2009891 views
Purple flexie hovering at ESRC882 views
880 viewsReady for first float fly!
879 viewsA visitor's experimental design, flew nice!
Solution Aeromodels "Solo". I built in 1976. Good trainer873 views
872 viewsMid-air oh no.... Bank left!!!
870 viewsA visitor's plane
868 viewsRoger & Craig's Planes
865 viewsSome of our guest's planes
860 viewsLook at the St. Louis Skyline!
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